Donate to help Cullen!

Country Fans! If you have the means and you feel it in your heart, help us donate to Cullen!

❤️ If we get to $20k by the end of Sunday night, a friend of the Fest has agreed to match!

❤️ Our team has already pitched in to cover a few of their bigger bills.

❤️ All contributions will go through GoFundMe and will 100% go to Cullen’s family.

✋ After you donate, come up to anyone on our team and say “GO CULLEN” for a high-five and a selfie so we can send them to Cullen.

More deets: 👇
Cullen is the son of Alonso on our team and it would mean the world to us if y’all showered some love on him!

Cullen hasn’t been home in 5 years and is fighting a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer and his family is doing everything they can to get him the medical help he needs and get home to be with his family.

Click / Tap this link to donate: